SSH - Shandong Jiajiayue Investment Holding Co. Limited

Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event

Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure:

1. Shandong Jiajiayue Investment Holding Co. Ltd (JJY) has on the date of this notice, been issued 35,156,250 fully paid new ordinary shares in Cooks Global Foods Limited (CGF)for $0.128 per share, on the terms set out in a subscription agreement between JJY and CGF on 30 September 2015.

2. JJY has on the date of this notice, acquired 68,174,454 fully paid ordinary shares in CGF from DSL Management Limited for $0.05 per share, on the terms set out in a share sale deed entered into between the parties on 30 September 2015.

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SSH - Beijing Yunnan Building Hotel Co., Limited.


Completion of Share Transactions