SPH Notice - Graeme Keith Jackson

Details of transactions and events giving rise to relevant event

Details of the transactions or other events requiring disclosure:

1. Graeme Keith Jackson is the sole director and shareholder of Cooks Investment Holdings Limited (CIHL). /. 9079725_1

2. Graeme Keith Jackson has a legal interest, as underwriter of shares in CIHL, in 12,877,811 ordinary shares in CGF held by CIHL (Underwrite Shares).

3. Graeme Keith Jackson has transferred the beneficial interest in the Underwrite Shares to Graeme Keith Jackson, Patricia Frances Jackson and Philip Mack Picot at an issue price of $0.0775 per share and on the terms set out in the Debt Capitalisation Confirmation letter dated 28 August 2018.

4. As a result, Graeme Keith Jackson’s interest in the Underwrite Shares has changed from a legal interest to a beneficial interest.

5. This transfer discharges the outstanding obligations of CIHL under Subscription Agreement with CGF dated 30 September 2015.

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