Share Purchase Plan Booklet

This SPP Booklet is prepared in reliance upon clause 19 of Schedule 1 of the FMCA for an offer of up to approximately 61,032,258 ordinary shares in Cooks Global Foods Limited. Cooks is subject to a continuous disclosure obligation that requires it to notify certain material information to NZX for the purpose of that information being made available to participants in the NZX Alternative Market operated by NZX. Market releases by Cooks, including its most recent annual report (for the year ending 31 March 2016) and financial statements, are available at under ticker code CGF or at the website If you have sold your Cooks Shares before 5pm on 30 June 2017 please send this SPP Booklet and the enclosed Application Form to the NZX Firm or other person through whom you made the sale requesting that they forward the documentation to the purchaser. Only persons that hold Cooks Shares at 5pm on 30 June 2017 will be eligible to participate in this SPP. If you have any queries or concerns regarding this Offer you should contact your own NZX Firm, legal or financial adviser.

Download the full report HERE


SPH - Yunnan Metropolitan Construction Investment Group


2017 EMG Meeting Results