• Gordon Robinson

    Independent Director

    Mr. Robinson is a highly experienced consultant specialising in Debt Advisory and Finance Brokering, with a distinguished banking career spanning over 38 years. He has a very broad business-sectors coverage in Corporate Governance (within finance) including quality Retail and also Food & Beverage businesses. He also has expertise in Real Estate Finance including both development and investment-led projects. Throughout his career, which began with NatWest Bank in the 1980s, he has held various senior positions, established successful lending operations, and led business development teams. His extensive background encompasses setting up and managing lending operations, serving on credit committees, and holding senior front-line Director roles with multiple lenders.

    Gordon has assumed the role as Chairman of the company’s Audit & Risk Committee.

    Mr Robinson currently holds the following directorships:

    - Vector Capital PLC

    - KCR Residential Reit PLC

    - Sterling Bapc Ltd